The Group Of Volunteers Of Italian Switzerland (GVSI) is an association of adults and youngsters, coming from Italian Switzerland. This organisation is open to all persons coming from other countries who believe it is useful to carry out a social activity, as for example the work of volunteers in emergency situations.

The existence of the organisation

1976: Earthquake in Friuli. A group of young Ticinese people decides, supported by scout associations in Canton Ticino, to help the population stroke by the cataclysm. For two years we are at work in the village of Forgaria and we help the families directly involved in the reconstruction of their homes.

1978: After a long analysis of our work it has been decided to give rise to a permanent structure for the group’s constant activity all year round: the «MAGNA CHARTA», November 10th 1978. The meeting of GVSI approved this document. The objective is to give the chance to all the youngsters of Ticino and Italian Switzerland to experience the group life through their commitment over a longer period of time.

GVSI features the following characteristics:

a) Group work, that is the will to live and work together and at the same time to respect the members of the group and the environment.
b) The commitment. For the members of GVSI the commitment is the disclosure of the Christian and social Commitment, which entails permanent availability towards the others, includes all aspects of volunteer’s life and features a particular way of acting directly and with facts.

The group admits any volunteer who beside his or her religious faith accepts the social motivation and the group.

Telephone for the youth

A telephone answering machine so you can leave your messages. This is how the youngster can promptly get any information he wishes. The secretary desk is open all Saturdays, from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 6 p.m. Additional enquiries can be made at phone numbers 091 857 45 20 at Giubiasco.
If you wish to become as well a member of GVSI, fill in a postcard with your surname, name and address and send it to: GVSI – C.P. 12 – 6517 Arbedo (Schweiz). Association fee: students and trainees Fr. 15.-, members Fr. 30.-, married couples Fr. 50.-.

An offer for you

If you are under 18 years of age and are ready to cope with necessities, then there is a place for you too. We work every day for 4 hours in the Camp and we promote group life, contact with other groups and with populations where intervention is required. You will be committed to volunteering, you will work for free and will feel enriched for having given to others quality of life and part of your time.

Our programs:

  1. Working circle and active participation (help for mountain community)
  2. Courses relative to interpersonal relations: Know yourself– relations between two persons – authorities – the group
  3. Local activities for youngsters
  • Place for summer training of animators
  • Juvenile work and sport
  • Holiday camp
  • Camp for girls and boys